SUCC International Students Enrolled in 2022 from Thailand Successfully Arrive on Campus to Register

Date:2023-10-16 Views: 532


On October 9, two Thai international students enrolled in 2022 at the School of Food and Tourism, majoring in Food Quality and Safety, successfully arrived at Shanghai Urban Construction Vocational College (SUCC) under the leadership of Vichitraratana Burapachit, a teacher from Chitralada Technology Institute in Thailand. They will proceed with their planned one-year study in China. On October 10, the School of Food and Tourism held a seminar on international student cultivation between SUCC and Chitralada Technology Institute.


At the meeting, the two sides conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on the overall situation of school running, major development, talent training, scientific research and innovation, student management, and other aspects of the two colleges. After the meeting, teachers of the Food Quality and Safety major led international teachers and students to visit the training room of the food major.


Since 2019, SUCC has enrolled a total of 16 Thai international students in the Food Quality and Safety major for three consecutive years. Through the cultivation of international students, faculty exchange, and the output of professional curriculum standards, the college has deepened vocational education’s support to the Belt and Road Initiative. SUCC's efforts contribute to promoting the Chinese language and culture, enhancing global understanding and knowledge of China, and facilitating the exportation of the Chinese vocational education model.